With built in piezo transducer pickup adds $60
Jack fits standard 1/4 inch instrument cable. Making it ready to connect to any amp or PA system.

Choosing A Tuning
All Thumb Fun Kalimbas have two rows of keys tuned an octave apart, which gives them a two octave range (large size have over two octaves).
The major scales are diatonic (do-ra-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do)
C is the lowest tone scale, D is a step higher, E is one higher and G major is the higher toned scale.
Pentatonic, which is an easy to play, fluid scale, is created by omitting the 4th and 7th step from the diatonic scale.
Example: C pentatonic's notes are C D E G A C (F and B are removed).
C Major
D Major
E Major
G Major
C Pentatonic
D Pentatonic
E Pentatonic
These sound samples are short examples of the 7 offered scales. They are just the upper octave, from low to high.